Sunday, September 23, 2012

0011 - chronic fatigue and concussion

0011 - chronic fatigue and concussion

Here is my working thesis.
Q - What is the relationship between Whiplash, (and/or) Concussion, with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (and/or) Fibromyalgia.
this illus is from

As a working thesis, this is a poor query bc it is not very focused.

Whiplash is a vague term which describes a sudden forced motion where the head and neck are moved in a specific sequence.  Possible resulting injured areas from the cause of whiplash may include: muscle, nerve, blood vessel, other connective tissues (ligaments, tendons etc..)
Concussion refers to an injury of the brain and surrounding (stuff) which happens usually from a head trauma, or a sudden forced motion of the head.  The brain (a fragile jelly like mass) is surrounded by some goo.  Very rapid changes in head speed may injure/"bruise" the brain because the surrounding liquid/goo cannot provide sufficient protection.
Chronic Fatigue Sydrome simply means just that!  A set of symptoms where one always feels tired.
Fibromyalgia describes pain throughout the body or parts of the body involving muscles or other tissues (connective tissues?).

Science cannot establish a causal relationship yet, but I am not so convinced.  Some healers may not take sufferers of these conditions seriously.  Yet those that do experience these ailments have real pain and should not be dismissed.
I guess until I can round up some more funds, I will have to put this project "on the back burner".

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